Übersicht Projekt settings - Statistic

The statistics function can be used to record any variable. Please see the notes at the end of this article.

Call menu Project settings - Statistics


To add variables, drag them from Variables window to the left pane. Double-click on the variable to switch to the detailed settings:

Statistik detail

Max. Data sets recording The maximum number of data records is set here. If this number is exceeded, the oldest data records are overwritten with the newest ones.
Name Alias Name
Only write commands
Only telegrams with write command are recorded and no acknowledgements.
Line color
Line color
Line Typ
  • Linear: The data points are connected via a straight line, this is intended for recording analog values.
  • Rectangle: The data points are connected via a rectangle, this is intended for recording bit values.
Minimum / Maximum Minimum / maximum for the display. With these parameters the display can be limited to limit faulty values. This setting has no effect on the recording, if minimum and maximum are equal, the limitation is not active.
  • Telegram: Recording at each telegram (see Diagnostic Events).
  • Change: recording when the value is changed.
  • Time: Cyclic recording after a specified time.
  • Time+change: Cyclic recording after a certain time but only if the value has changed.
Time type This parameter defines a trigger when the variable is recorded:
  • Telegram: For each telegram
  • Change: When changing the value
  • Time: At a specific time
  • Time + change: When the value changes and when the time has been exceeded.
Time seconds Only visible at time type "Free"
Difference Only visible at time type "'Change"
