Übersicht General parameters

Properties widget

Save parameters (not possible on all elements). With this function, the parameters of the selected control element are saved as default. When adding new elements of this type, these parameters will be loaded again.


Transparenz This property sets the transparency of the widget. 100 means not transparent, 0 means completely transparent. Depending on the widget, not all elements are displayed transparently. For example, on the Text static widget, the background becomes transparent but the text is not.


With these properties, the position of the control element can be set with pixel accuracy. The position in pixels refers to the page size before the zoom factor is applied.

Text alignment

Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment
Correction X,Y
Correction position in pixels (not available on all widgets).
Zoom type
  • Automatically: The text is automatically adjusted to the available area.
  • Height: The text is scaled according to the height of the control element, this is useful for example when elements are arranged in a list view, single-line and multi-line texts are scaled equally.
Zoom value Zoomfaktor in Prozent


  • Flat: Flat frame.
  • Raised: Frame in raised 3D view.
Thickness of the frame line
Frame color
If the frame type is set to flat, you can define here on which side the frame is displayed.

Properties Page


Title of the page
  1. Full screen scaling horizontal/vertical: In this scaling the visualization page is scaled so that it fits into the screen without deformation (keep aspect radio). This scaling is suitable for tablets that are kept horizontal.
  2. Height (vertical scrolling): This scale uses the entire available width of the screen and scales the height. The height is then scrolled. This scaling is suitable for mobile phones if they are held vertically (e.g. List mode).


width / height Here you can set the height and width in pixels, but this is only used to determine the aspect ratio. If the target device has a higher or lower resolution, it will always scale into the available range without distortion.
Proportional If this option is active, the width is always changed correctly in aspect ratio when the height is changed.


Background Here you can specify the color for the background.

Background image

Selection of the background graphic, see Graphic Import
Horizontal and vertical alignment of the image.
Zoom image, with this option the image is scaled to the available area.
With this option the graphic is always scaled proportionally into the available range (keep aspect radio).
User With this option a user can be assigned to the page, see user management.