Übersicht Program Editor

The program editor is used to create and link function blocks.

The editor is divided into pages, each page can be considered as a separate program. To add a new page, switch to Navigation in the right view, click on the "+" symbol and select Program from the menu.

To add a function block, select the block in the left-hand window "Function blocks" and drag it to the new page. Above there is also a search function to find modules more easily.  Tip: The view can be enlarged with the zoom function in the toolbar or with Ctrl + mouse wheel.

The function blocks can only be processed if the processing mode is switched off:

If the operating mode is activated, the changes are transferred to the controller and activated. In this mode only the parameters of the function blocks can be changed, but no new ones can be added or deleted.

Click on the function block to change the view:

The properties are displayed on the left and the variables and inputs/outputs of the block on the right. By clicking on the page background, the view changes back to the selection of function blocks.

The properties window is divided into two areas:

The upper area displays the properties of the page, the lower area displays the properties of the function block. See general parameters.

There are two ways to link a variable at the input of a function block:

  1. Drag the variable from the variable window to the input or output of the function block.
  2. Drag the variable from the Variable window into the Shortcuts window.

Inputs and outputs of the function blocks can also be connected internally without variables. To do this, click on the output of the first block (a cross is displayed as the mouse cursor) and then on the input of the next block. This is also possible across pages. To do this, click on the output again, then switch to the target page and click on the input.

An output can also be linked to several inputs. Conversely, it is not possible to link several outputs to one input. If another output is linked to the same input, the previous link is deleted. To delete a connection, click with the right mouse button on a corresponding input-output of the function block.

Alternativ kann im Fenster Verknüpfungen das Icon rechts geklickt werden:

Tip: It is also possible to link several inputs and outputs at the same time via the Shortcuts window. To do this, select several variables in the variable window and drag them into the window with the links, the variables will then be linked in sequence.