Übersicht Threshold value

This function block combines several comparison blocks in one function.


Enable Output. If 1 is present at this input, the block is enabled, otherwise 0 is always sent. This input is optional, if the input is not connected, the block is always enabled.
Actual value

Threshold value 1 Threshold value 1
Threshold value 2 Threshold value 2


Output 1
Output becomes 1 if the conditions are met.



  • IW<=G1=E / IW>=G2=A: Output becomes 1 if the actual value is less than limit 1, output becomes 0 if the actual value is greater than limit 2.
  • IW<=G1=A / IW>=G2=E: Output becomes 0 if the actual value is less than limit 1, output becomes 1 if the actual value is greater than limit 2.
  • IW>=G1=E / IW<=G2=A: Output becomes 1 if the actual value is greater than limit 1, output becomes 0 if the actual value is less than limit 2.
  • IW>=G1=A / IW<=G2=E: Output becomes 0 if the actual value is greater than limit 1, output becomes 0 if the actual value is less than limit 2.
  • IW>=G1 UND IW<=G2: Output becomes 1 if the actual value is greater than or equal to limit value 1 and less than or equal to limit value 2.
  • IW<G1 ODER IW>G2: Output becomes 1 if the actual value is greater than or equal to limit value 1 or greater than or equal to limit value 2.

See also general parameters of all function blocks.