Übersicht Mail delivery

With this function block an email function can be used, for example for monitoring or to send a CSV file. An external mail server is used here. In order for mails to be sent, the controller must be able to access the Internet. Via Edit - Mail settings an own mail server can also be used.

Important: The internal mail server only allows a certain number of mails in a certain period of time. If too many mails are sent, the sender is blocked for a certain time. This is to protect against spam mails and is set by the mail provider. Therefore, a maximum of 50 mails should be sent per day.


Trigger on which the mail is sent, see parameter Trigger.
Input 1-x
Depending on the parameter number of inputs, any status values can also be sent with the mail, for example states of error inputs.
RS Reset With a rising edge, the error counter and blocking time are set to 0. This has an effect on all mail blocks, so you only have to link the reset input to one block.
FG Enable Optional input. If this input is connected, mails are only sent if the input is not equal to 0, otherwise always. This input can be used, for example, to activate/deactivate certain recipients via the visualisation.


Number of mails sent.
Number of errors
Filter time
Time in seconds within which further triggers are ignored.



  • Rising edge: Mail is sent when the input trigger changes from 0 to 1.
  • Falling edge: Mail is sent when the input trigger changes from 1 to 0.
  • On change: Mail is sent every time the input is changed.
  • For each telegram: Mail is sent with WRITE commands when a telegram is received.

Filter time Filter time in seconds. To avoid sending too many mails in case of frequent triggering, a filter in seconds can be specified here. After sending the first mail this time is waited until a trigger is allowed again. This time is also kept at the start of the runtime, so it can be prevented that mails are not sent unintentionally when transver the project .
Email address of recipient. Multiple receptions can be specified separated by semicolons (without spaces).
EMail body
Attachment, for example a CSV file.
Number of inputs
Number of inputs.

See also general parameters of all function blocks.