Übersicht OpenWeather - Internet Weather

With this function block a simple weather forecast can be integrated. This module is connected with the control element Internet Weather.


  • If this function block is used, the controller must be connected to the Internet and must be able to resolve the domain. Without an Internet connection or an unreachable DNS server, the watchdog may be triggered and the controller is restarted.
  • An update of the weather data cannot be interrupted. If a query is active and there is no internet connection or the domain name cannot be resolved, it may not be possible to import the project, in this case the end of the query or timeout must be waited.
  • This module should not be used for control tasks such as heating control, as the data for this is far too inaccurate.
  • The controller must have permanent access to the Internet to retrieve the data. If the Internet connection is switched off, e.g. overnight or during absence, the controller watchdog may be triggered under certain circumstances.
  • The data of the service can be very inaccurate in some areas.
  • OpenWeatherMap is used as a service, see https://openweathermap.org/ To use the service, you have to create an account, in the account you get an API key which has to be entered in this function block. For the future availability of the service or correctness of the weather data no guarantee can be taken over.



Error Query
Kommunikationsfehler, wenn die Daten nicht abgerufen werden konnten.
Temperature in °C
Relative humidity in percent
Air pressure hPa
Air pressure in hPa
Wind km/h
Wind in km/h
Cloudiness in %
ID ID Wetterlage als ID, siehe Openwethermap Weather condition codes
GR ID Gruppe ID als Gruppe siehe Openwethermap Weather condition codes

Wenn als ID 500 bis 531 ausgegeben wird, Kategorie Regen, wird an diesem Ausgang 5 ausgegeben. Damit erhält man die Unterscheidung zwischen Regen, Sturm usw.


longitude in decimal degrees
Latitude in decimal degrees
Interval update. OpenWeatherMap provides the weather data in the free account only every 3 hours, therefore a smaller interval does not bring higher accuracy in the free version.
API Key API Key which is generated during registration.

Liste der IDs.

Für eine aktuelle Beschreibung siehe Openwethermap Weather condition codes.

See also general parameters of all function blocks.