Übersicht Block Clock

Block Function block for the control element Block Clock, the control element must be linked to this function block. See Block Presence and Presence general.

This logic is used to implement a time switch. The switching times can be set via the "Timer block" control element. To do this, the logic must first be created and the control element then linked to the logic (right mouse button on control element and selection of logic).

The clock does not have an on/off state, instead any number of switching times can be created, and any value can be output at each time. This makes it possible to specify different setpoints for the switching times, for example 100% lighting in the morning, 50% during the day, 70% in the evening and 10% at night. In the same way, the operating modes of room controllers can be switched (comfort, standby, night).


Enable. With input 1, the clock is enabled, otherwise it is inactive. If the input is not assigned, the clock is always enabled. If the enable is controlled via the operating element, a variable must be linked at the input.



At the output the variable is linked which should be switched with the clock. The number of outputs can be set in the parameters, thus saving a 1-N logic if several outputs are to be switched with a clock.


Number of outputs
Number of outputs. The same value is output on all outputs.
Set output on startup Output is always set after the last active switching time when starting or transfer the project to the controller.
Pulsoutput This option sets the output to the value set in the widget and back to 0 after 4 seconds.

See also general parameters of all function blocks